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Controversial moves that were previously considered unsafe or banned have evolved over time due to legal developments. It is crucial to acknowledge and address these moves to ensure the safety of both caregivers and patients.
Controversial moves should be strictly limited to emergency situations, such as life-threatening circumstances. Failure to consider safe alternatives can have adverse consequences and may even lead to legal disputes.
Controversial lifts carry the risk of harm to both the caregiver and the person being moved. Understanding the potential consequences is essential in promoting safe practices.
The drag lift, involving lifting a person by grabbing under their arms, causes damage to shoulders, joints, and skin. It has been deemed a form of abuse by the Royal College of Nurses and should be avoided.
Lifting a person by holding them under their legs and arms contradicts safe manual handling principles, placing strain on the caregiver's back and risking back injuries.
Additional moves, such as pulling a seated person by their arms or allowing a person to wrap their arms around the caregiver's back while lifting, pose risks of shoulder, elbow, and fall-related injuries.
As a caregiver or hospital worker, it is advisable to refer to trusted resources for guidance on safe moving and handling techniques.
By staying informed and adopting best practices, caregivers can prioritize the safety and well-being of both themselves and those they care for in the complex landscape of health and social care in the UK.